Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Red alert! Red alert! We're still living!!!......

....Although ya'll might think we're dead... We're not. But Me, myself & i just thought we'd let ya'll know that! And, there is a reason for this non-posty-ness!!! You see, blogger lives online, right? I hope ya'll said yes.... But, when your online-ly-ness decides it doesn't like you anymore.... It's hard to do your post-ly-ness-ly-ness is hard to do! Perhaps it may have found someone more up it's alley.... maybe we just didn't make the cut, i don't know! And yes, we might be missing it (A LOT) It may not miss us! Yes, this is a tragic moment for us! But I do hope that you stick around... Unlike this online-ly-ness-ly-person who thinks otherwise! But please, I promise to talk this online-ly-ness-ish person to coming back and loving us again!!! I have go many post-ly-ness-ish-posts to come! Look out! They might attack you. Well, I hope not....but who knows...

Signing out, M=D