Friday, February 20, 2009

And the world goes round. Still.

Sorry that I have been so absent as to ignore ya'll.... We've kinda 
been sick around here=D

::Out in the shop::

In case your wondering, the white thing is a paper airplane that got stuck up there...

Funny story, for Christmas Dad, Alyssa & I got
Mom Rascal Flatts tickets for the show in
Kansas City MO. We had to get her tickets there cause Des moines was sold out
where Alyssa checked for tickets. So we sent Dad & Mom along with another couple
up there for the weekend. The night they got back was the night of the Rascal Flatts cooncert in Des Moines. And Dad (being the wonderful one he is;)
asked Mom to take us to the one in Des Moines. So Mom got to see 
two concerts in a row... pretty good deal i'd say!
It was awsome. I'm going to post some more pictures & videos of it "soon"......

So I just had to put this picture up... cause you see, I'm random, therefore, so is this blog:-D
(oh, P.s Chme girls, this is the one i'm gonna put in the frame;)

Saturday, February 14, 2009

"New ground & a walk in faith"

Some of you may have already heard of this, but I thought I would share with those of you who don't.

Last night Dad, Mom, Lincoln, Cameron & I were headed home after the "bulls & broncs" rodeo in Cedar Rapids. Mind you this was in the middle of the snow storm! Oh, we got caught in a 2-3 mile long traffic jam. It took us forever to get out. Or so it seemed like... which for my aunt Cheri who happens to live in the fine state of Cali-for-nie-ae this cannot be called a traffic jam=D But anyways, as we drive down interstate, Mom gets an e-mail on her shmansy fancy phone from a lady that's in our home-school group saying that our friends the Hathaway's house had just burnt to the ground. This was at around 10:00 pm that mom received that
 e-mail. It actually happened at 7:00 we found out earlier today.  

Tim, Linda & the kids left at around 5-6:00 that night & were headed to drop the kids off at Tim's sister's house so that he & Linda could go out for Valentines. It was shortly after supper Linda's Dad called saying that there house was completely a goner. 
To that they decided to make a stop at wal-mart to get the basics; socks, toothpaste, tooth brush's, etc. 
All they left the house with was Tim's phone, warm clothes, & each other!!!  

Not too long after Mom got the e-mail mom & I got some phones that were collecting dust from somewhere & took them over to to where they were staying. Then after that we were going to make a trip too wal-mart to pick up some things for them. It turned out that they had already gone to get stuff & that where Mom, & I had gone to find them, Tim & Linda were not staying there. Tim & Linda had gone to Linda's Mom & Dad's for the night. It wasn't long after we were told they were not there, we were on our way to Tim & Linda. 

At about 1:30 Mom, & I were on our way to our house to get Tim & Linda some clothes. In the mean time we were able to find them a camera we weren't using, some notebooks, journals & things like that.  Unfortunately we were not able, in our HUGE pile of cords, able to find Tim a charger for his phone. But this morning Dad & Cameron had to go to town to get ilk & picked one up for him then. Later after we had our "Valentines brunch" we loaded our things to go to Des Moines for the weekend & grabbed a build-a-bear bunny for Brea-3-ish that was just like the one she lost in the fire, some only heart dolls for rain 7-8 & an electric building type kit for Cambridge 9-10 that he had just recently gotten for his birthday. 

So please put this wonderful family in your prayers as they break new ground & take a step in faith! Thank you so much. I will keep you updated. Mikaela

Tuesday, February 3, 2009


So there is this thing going around Facebook. You need to post 25 random facts about yourself. Alyssa got her's done, and since not all of our faithful readers are Facebooking...hint, hint... I thought it should be posted here. Now the goal of this exercise is to learn something new about all our friends, consider yourselves TAGGED.....

1) I drove a 40 ton articulated dumptruck for a construction company. And I only got stuck two times, both of which were because I was following instructions.

2) I play guitar, mandolin, bass, dobro, banjo and the radio.

3) I HATE cats.

4) When I was 12 I nearly totaled a Ford Tarus. In the driveway.

5) I like to shoot things. With my camera and my gun.

6) I am at the Professional Photographers of Iowa convention.

7) I was house, homeschooled.

8) I have no social skills. Which is why I staffed TeenPact, played on an open stage in front of 500 people, go to college, went to Texas to Worldview, talk to random people.....

9) I once gave a speech on How to Skin a Coon. It made me famous.

10) I wear Uggs.

11) I have never gotten a speeding ticket. Or any other kind of ticket. except to a concert.

12) I absolutly love the Smokey Mountains.

13) I have been told that I laugh too much. I laughed at that:)

14) I love bowling!

15) My dream home is a house back in the woods, with a big barn, and a beautiful stream near by.

15) I am going to school for Business Management.

16) I love jokes! Telling them and listening to them.

17) I aspire to be a profesional guitar and mandolin player.

18) Yes, I am weird.

19) I have a bright future. That's why I always wear sunglasses.

20) I have the best friends ever! You know who you are:)

21) I love doing stuff with my fam!

22) I love mud running.

23) I love ballroom dancing!

24) You need to go watch New in Town! It's hilarious!

25) This is the end!

Your turn....We are waiting:)

Monday, February 2, 2009

"Tagged In Blogger World'

Yes, I agree. This was suppose to be up a LONG while ago!
But, Yes I have an explanation, our computer got it's 
tiny rear in gear....YEAH!

Below are the people whom I have chosen to tag. Here is what 
you need to do.
A)Go to the fourth file of pictures on your computer.
B)Go to the fourth picture in that fourth file.
(Sound complicated yet? I promise, it gets better...:)
C)Post the fourth picture in the fourth file and
explain what is happening in the fourth picture in the fourth file.
D)ALL people who are participating in this blogger act who so 
choose to crop, enhance, or ANY editing will here by be DISQUALIFIED.

::Those whom I have tagged::
Tiff .C.
The Hoyt Blog
Brandt B-man
And the first one to comment with a Blue colored tooth paste bottle.

What? I'm feeling random, ok.....

"This message payed for by the patient viewers of this blog"
I'm just kidding.
OK. Wow. This was a really long ago. It was actually on my 8th birthday. Yea, EONS ago!
Anyhoo, back to the program, for a surprise birthday present I got to take some of our friends 
Sheryl, Jensen(on the left), & Hannah Hoyt/Schlabach to the American girl place in Chicago.
Jensen, Sheryl, I'm sure your getting a kick out of this=D Enjoy, I am looking foreword to all of your tag's.