Yes, I agree. This was suppose to be up a LONG while ago!
But, Yes I have an explanation, our computer got it's
tiny rear in gear....YEAH!
Below are the people whom I have chosen to tag. Here is what
you need to do.
A)Go to the fourth file of pictures on your computer.
B)Go to the fourth picture in that fourth file.
(Sound complicated yet? I promise, it gets better...:)
C)Post the fourth picture in the fourth file and
explain what is happening in the fourth picture in the fourth file.
D)ALL people who are participating in this blogger act who so
choose to crop, enhance, or ANY editing will here by be DISQUALIFIED.
::Those whom I have tagged::
Tiff .C.
The Hoyt Blog
Brandt B-man
And the first one to comment with a Blue colored tooth paste bottle.
What? I'm feeling random, ok.....
"This message payed for by the patient viewers of this blog"
I'm just kidding.
Anyhoo, back to the program, for a surprise birthday present I got to take some of our friends
Sheryl, Jensen(on the left), & Hannah Hoyt/Schlabach to the American girl place in Chicago.
Jensen, Sheryl, I'm sure your getting a kick out of this=D Enjoy, I am looking foreword to all of your tag's.
Cute picture! Wow, Jensen & Alyssa look young. And yes, it does seem EONS ago. And I will see if I can do your challenge.
Ah, they look so young!!!! Can we go back in time? please?!! Great post Mickey. Auntie Cheri will be proud of you. Love Mom
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