So there is this thing going around Facebook. You need to post 25 random facts about yourself. Alyssa got her's done, and since not all of our faithful readers are Facebooking...hint, hint... I thought it should be posted here. Now the goal of this exercise is to learn something new about all our friends, consider yourselves TAGGED.....

1) I drove a 40 ton articulated dumptruck for a construction company. And I only got stuck two times, both of which were because I was following instructions.
2) I play guitar, mandolin, bass, dobro, banjo and the radio.
3) I HATE cats.
4) When I was 12 I nearly totaled a Ford Tarus. In the driveway.
5) I like to shoot things. With my camera and my gun.
6) I am at the Professional Photographers of Iowa convention.
7) I was house, homeschooled.
8) I have no social skills. Which is why I staffed TeenPact, played on an open stage in front of 500 people, go to college, went to Texas to Worldview, talk to random people.....
9) I once gave a speech on How to Skin a Coon. It made me famous.
10) I wear Uggs.
11) I have never gotten a speeding ticket. Or any other kind of ticket. except to a concert.
12) I absolutly love the Smokey Mountains.
13) I have been told that I laugh too much. I laughed at that:)
14) I love bowling!
15) My dream home is a house back in the woods, with a big barn, and a beautiful stream near by.
15) I am going to school for Business Management.
16) I love jokes! Telling them and listening to them.
17) I aspire to be a profesional guitar and mandolin player.
18) Yes, I am weird.
19) I have a bright future. That's why I always wear sunglasses.
20) I have the best friends ever! You know who you are:)
21) I love doing stuff with my fam!
22) I love mud running.
23) I love ballroom dancing!
24) You need to go watch New in Town! It's hilarious!
25) This is the end!
Your turn....We are waiting:)