Saturday, September 6, 2008

On the Plane again. Off it too.

You can't really see the plane wing, but it's there.

Nebraska has so many circles! It's weird, I know;-)

Lincoln was so cute on our first flight! O.k he was cute on the second one too.

We flew in too orange county & they had a John wayne
statue in the airport in CA

It took forever to get our two cars! As usual. We had to get two cuz
there are eight of us traveling together.

P.s Does anyone know how to get pictures to flip right side up?
Just out of curiosity. Please!


SS said...

On the note of picture flipping, in your photo program on your computer you should be able to do it. Finde your photo, click on your it, then go over on your side bar and under something like enhance, it shold say turn right or left. Thats what we do on ours.

The photo thing isn't with blogger, its whatever your parents have downloaded on your computer. For instance we have Corel Snapfire.

These aren't the best directions so you may need to talk to someone more computer/photo savey than me. Hope it works!!

Oh, if anyone knows can you help me figure out how to get blogger to allow you to post more than five pics at a time??

Nicole 妮可 said...

hey dear,
sorry about last night... try to call me again today when you have time.
and i maybe able to help you with the flipping thing.
love you!