Wednesday, October 13, 2010

[Absence...just maybe]

Truly, honestly, we have not forgotten this blog... Although it may seem as though we have, I can assure you, we have not. But I [can] say this for us, we have had a lot of fun since the last time I posted. Needless to say, I am going to work on posting more often. But there are a few glitches to that... You see, our computer's have this problem; they do not have enough space to suit this Yoder Family, and, therefore, we cannot put as many pictures on them as we would like. BUT, I can promise you, there will be another post within the next few month's. I cannot guarantee when.... Don't forget about us!

Until next time,

Monday, March 22, 2010

-Girls just want to have fun-

::Game Time::
Can you guess where we are? Brownie points for the one who does!

Ok; here's a couple hints.....

Most people think they are rather creepy.....

And most people usually try to stay away from them....

And others.....well, I guess you could say they 'jump for joy'....
Nah..... :D

Please leave a comment and see if you can guess....
(more pics to follow)

Sunday, March 21, 2010

::More Than Meets The Eye::

few days ago Alyssa and I had the opportunity to look thru the eye of a macro lens....*heart flutters* One word.... *amazing*!!!
These aren't things you get to see on an everyday basis...Seriously, who would think to make
life so beautiful? I think we need to look thru the eye of a macro lens more often. 'This' is the 'amazing' work of God.

Who would have thought to put a 'Turtle' inside a flower?

Who would have thought to put so much 'color' and detail into one little object?

And what about a 'Dragon/sting ray thing' inside a puny little burst of shape?

Or little flowers your eye could not even clearly see 'inside' another flower?

Who would have thought to have put pin-stripe 'vanes' on petals?

And who would have thought to coat a tiny work of art with 'velvet' ?

I can tell you this, not me!

::The lines have fallen for me in pleasant places; indeed, I have a beautiful inheritance::
Psalm 16:6

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Look for more to come

On the Winter Jam 2010! (and a new color for the blog text:)

Wednesday, January 13, 2010


I think we scared all the birds away...

No joke here...

It seemed like we were in snow up to our waists...

My boots were covered in snow...
(these last 2 pictures were taken while alyssa's camera lens was fogged up)
Thus would be:
The official sign of winter.

Sunday, January 10, 2010

How can something so simple...

...Turn into something so messy???
So at 9:00 tonight, I suddenly had a massive craving for chocolate chip pie...
Thinking 'Oh, this should be a simple task! No problem at all!'
Well, I guess I forgot how simple tasks for people with blonde hearts {like me}
can turn into something quite complicated...

So I started here:
Looks pretty right, right? I mean, after all, I've got one egg already in the mix and the other ones are sitting safely on the counter calling my attention...

But then I get here:
Just a slight turn of my head... and it all fell to the ground. Literally!

But then, somehow it got here:
Double the fun huh? While I knelt to the ground to 'clean up on isle 12', my 2nd oh so 'once perfect egg' fell to the ground. What a shame. (not to mention my pie crusts somehow formed together and I had to re-shape and put it back together..ha)

And finally I made it here:
A beautiful batch of my craving...chocolate chip pie.

Oh, and by the way:
You can never have to much vanilla!!!

Thank you for joining me on this wonderful experience...
It was a tasty one! Off to fetch the pies!
